Brighten Home Loans
Brighten's growth focus
Adam Moore, director, head of funding and securitisation at Brighten Home Loans in Sydney, discusses the market entrant’s funding journey so far and plans for public securitisation issuance.
Cautious optimism turns nonbanks' minds to funding scale
As recently as 2023, the lingering impact of the term funding facility was making originating new mortgage volume highly challenging for Australia’s biggest nonbank lenders. In August 2024, KangaNews and Natixis CIB hosted sector leaders at a roundtable discussion in Sydney, finding that the conversation has moved back to managing growth – albeit while keeping an eye on a challenging economic situation.
Nonbank issuer profiles and perspectives 2023
Key data and information on 33 nonbank lenders active in Australia and New Zealand including programme information, funding strategy, debt data and issuer insights.
Nonbank issuer profiles and perspectives 2022
Key data and information on 29 nonbank lenders active in Australia and New Zealand including programme information, funding strategy, debt data and issuer insights.
Brighten taking indications of interest for Solaris RMBS transaction
Late in the day on 8 April, Brighten Home Loans began taking indications of interest for its residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) deal, Solaris 2021-1. The transaction is backed by prime Australian resident and nonresident loans, and is expected to launch as early as the week beginning 12 April with indicative volume of A$261.78 million (US$200.3 million). The deal has potential to upsize. Credit Suisse, Natixis and Standard Chartered are joint lead managers.

nonbank Yearbook 2024
KangaNews's eighth annual guide to the business and funding trends in Australia's nonbank financial-institution sector.