2007 Kauri League Table - Incl. Self-led Deals

Kauri League table (including self-led deals)
1 Jan to 31 Dec 2007
Bookrunner Volume No. Deals % Total Volume
ANZ Institutional           2,225 16 41.0%
Bank of New Zealand           1,400 9 25.8%
RBC Capital Markets             900 6 16.6%
Citigroup             375 2 6.9%
TD Securities             300 2 5.5%
Deutsche Bank             175 2 3.2%
Westpac Institutional Bank               50 1 0.9%
TOTAL           5,425   100%

Criteria for Kauri league tables: NZ$25m minimum size (except for increases: eligible if original deal meets size criterion); One-year minimum maturity or call date; Settlement date used for date calculations; Pricing must be disclosed; Bookrunners given equal  allocation. 

Must also meet criteria for Kauri bond definition: Settled via Austraclear NZ; Issuer domiciled offshore; Denominated in NZD; Documented offshore (except for supranationals of which NZ is a member).