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South Australian Government Financing Authority (SAFA) has not been afraid to innovate to maximise the alignment of its funding activities with the needs of the state. Andrew Kennedy, director, treasury services at SAFA in Adelaide, says the issuer will maintain an open mind on funding strategy in a market environment that offers opportunities and challenges in roughly equal measure.

Of all the Australian states, Treasury Corporation of Victoria (TCV) has experienced the biggest change in its funding profile as a result of the pandemic. Paul Kelly, head of markets at TCV in Melbourne, describes the flexible approach the treasury corporation is taking to its enlarged issuance task – including the role of sustainability bonds.

Mark Butcher, chief executive at New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency in Wellington, surveys the agency’s track record over its 10-year history as an issuer and looks ahead to future development – including its ambitions in sustainable finance as it builds assets for a potential green-bond debut.

National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) was already Australia’s only programmatic social-bond issuer when it added sustainability bonds to its funding mix in 2021. Nathan Dal Bon, chief executive at NHFIC in Sydney, shares views on the evolution of the programme’s sustainability profile and its maturity as an issuer.